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LLG Wellbeing Week - Moving On

26 January 2023 12:00 - 12:00


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26 January 2023  |  Free

Join Anthony Collins Solicitors’ partners Olwen Brown and Claire Ward in this session which looks at using your skills and experience.

What does “moving on” mean ?  In this context its moving from one role into another; or from one sector into another.  So moving from a principal solicitor into a MO/ director  role; moving from one authority into another- say from a district to a unitary, and taking on a different role as well.  Or moving from an in house role into the private sector.  It can also mean moving on to leave a legal career; or to retirement.

What are the essentials?  Remember your core skills and expertise and see how this can be applied in your new role.  Most key skills are transferrable but sometimes thought is needed about how this is done.  Have confidence in yourself and try not to suffer from imposter syndrome- it wont happen.

If you are moving into a new organisation try out find out the key things about it- you will of course be prepared for this prior to interview!  However, once you have the job there are different things that are important- who are the movers and shakers- who is listened to; who is on their way up- and probably on their way down.  It’s the ones with the influence that you need to get to know- and they are not necessarily those in the most senior positions.  Get to know your team; their strengths and weaknesses, who you can depend on.

If where you are moving to is a different sort of organisation- say district to unitary -or outside local government altogether- say into health or academia- what are the governance rules; because they will be different and so swot up on those. Don’t dabble!

If you are being promoted inside your existing authority, how will you perform that new role; what will be different and who will your working relationships be with ? If you are leaving a role which you wont have responsibility for- don’t dabble.

Consider if a mentor might be useful; and how to get one.  What experience will you want that mentor to have; and what will you expect from them ?  Or would you like to have a coach, which could be expensive but probably worth it short term.

Use your networks and develop new ones.  New roles may well allow you access to different professional groups- done be afraid to use these.  What is said about the importance or networks is absolutely true.

If you are moving into private practice from in house you should get lots of support; as the firm will want to maximise your value to them.  But some things are different.  Tenders!!!

Remember- no one wants you to fail.  But your first 100 days is important; it’s a cliché but you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.

And if you have decided to change career, fabulous.  Do it as a positive thing and always remember why you are doing it and what you hope to get out of it.

And if you are retiring, fantastic.  Enjoy every day.

Olwen Brown

Consultant in the governance and commercial team

Claire Ward

Partner in the projects team

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