As the world lurches from crisis to crisis, it can be all too easy to remain in emergency mode and to forget the importance of moving back to the strategic, taking time to think, plan, and move forwards.
But taking that step for yourself, your community, and your council can make a tangible difference in the future. We must all keep moving forwards, and not lose sight of the bigger picture or goals. Our Government has big plans for the local authority sector - levelling up, the health & care bill, and electoral reform for example. Bigger picture reforms such as the proposed review of judicial reform must be carefully scrutinised to prevent the erosion of the rule of law.
So, we have a tomorrow that we need to be aware of, influence, and shape. And that starts with you, your knowledge and perspective, and your commitment to doing the best for your authority by shaping the future.
It’s been a long time since we’ve joined together as an LLG Community, face to face, to share our thoughts, hopes and concerns. We know how important it is for lawyers new to their careers to build networks, friendships, and bonds. We are offering the chance for you, at whatever stage you are in your career, to join our Spring Conference on May 27th in Durham. Join us for thought leadership from experts, with excellent legal knowledge and expertise, and understand the practical application within your local authority. Bookings will open shortly.
It’s a tricky time for us right now, but let’s lift our heads and build our own futures.
Best wishes
Deborah Evans
Turning to LLG matters, we will be submitting our consultation response to the Government’s Human Rights Act Reform: A Modern Bill of Rights next Tuesday evening. There is still time for you to submit any comments directly to me if you would like to contribute. We will also be giving evidence on the APPG inquiry into Kinship Care before an All Party Parliamentary Group representing a cross party group of MP’s and Peers who share a common interest in championing kinship care and improving support for kinship carers and the children they are raising. That takes place on Wednesday, and we have been invited to provide written evidence by 4th April. LLG have already held a roundtable on the topic but if you missed that and would like to collaborate on the evidence, please do let me know.
Our next Procurement National Lead meeting takes place on Thursday 24th March with lead Kieran McGaughey joined by newly appointed corporate partners Womble Bond Dickinson providing top tips for a smooth procurement process. If you are currently examining existing contract suppliers, take a look at our guidance on local authorities reviewing contracts with Russian state-linked suppliers.
Finally, our Branch Review and National Lead review surveys are still open, so please do take the time to feedback your views to enable us to provide the right support to meet your needs.
Helen McGrath
Head of Public Affairs