This week’s bulletin is coming to you live from the LLG Governance Conference 2022 at the Edgbaston Park Hotel in Birmingham. There is a real sense of excitement here generated from seeing familiar faces and meeting in person individuals who have, for over 2 years, simply been a face on the screen. Whilst faces might be recognisable however, height it seems is impossible to ascertain virtually. This can make it harder as it turns out to readily identify people. But we all got there in the end and the conference was opened by our President, Helen Edwards who posed some big questions, “how do we keep our authorities protected whilst supporting our communities and those most vulnerable? How does the monitoring officer effectively work alongside the s151 officer to ensure a balanced budget whilst complying with statutory obligations in the face of political drivers and politically unpalatable options and how do we manage consistent uncertainty?” The answers to these are not easy, but the conference certainly provides a great forum to start these discussions.
The key-note address was delivered by Craig Cooper who was the Director of the Commonwealth Games whilst at Birmingham Council. The big take aways from those phenomenally successful games. A cross party endeavour creating a legacy for the City and community with lasting impact. It was a very practical example of how working together in collaboration can achieve great things.
This was followed by the Leader of Norfolk Council, Andrew Proctor on Devolution deals who reminded us that “governance change remains a big step. If you want to make progress, you need to make changes”. Whilst Paul Cracknell, Executive Director at Norfolk pointed out that (on devolution) “the real work comes once the deal happens - negotiation and securing the deal is actually the easy bit.”
Meanwhile, in a break-out session away from the plenaries, the junior lawyers were meeting to discuss how to successfully network, hosted by John Purvis (our National Lead) and Iken. With great tips such as being authentic, curious, getting to know the person not just the lawyer and asking lots and lots of questions; Concluding with sage words from Matt Philips our Welsh Director - ‘I’m always at my most effective being treated like an idiot’ and ‘choose your managers, choose your job’.
Lessons from public interest reports by Guy Clifton and examining interventions brought us back to a rather more sobering and salutary insight into ’institutional blindness’. Interventions are becoming more frequent off the back of austerity, Brexit, Covid and now the cost-of-living crisis. Leadership and organisational culture are at the heart of this with thematic parallels between those authorities found in governance failings. This session was vital for lawyers in local government everywhere.
So that’s where I leave you. Dennis and I will be covering all sessions in the bulletin next week and indeed providing coverage of the hotly anticipated ‘LLG’s Got Talent’. I’m off to top up my pads, pens and key rings and enjoy catching up with our lovely corporate partners and exhibitors. Lucky me.
Best wishes
Helen McGrath
Head of Public Affairs