11 Jan 2024 | Blog

Blog: 12 January 2024 - Deborah Evans, LLG CEO

By Deborah Evans

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New year, new start. So, what are LLG hoping to deliver?

Here at LLG we like to measure each year in terms of positive contribution to the lives of our members. It’s a time of resolutions, so we resolve to:

  1. Promote best practice governance: We are developing a Code for Statutory Officers alongside SOLACE and CIPFA to do just that and will continue our journey on defining the roles and responsibilities of the Monitoring Officer.
  2. Build succession from cradle to grave: Through work experience week for those at the start of their legal career and training the Monitoring Officers of the future as our cohort of LLG Inspire delegates move through the program to build the technical and soft skills required. This is succession planning in action.
  3. Give you the tools to do the job: We commit to building new courses to meet your needs - such as the new ‘Role and Responsibilities of the Monitoring Officer’ course. We also want to expand your understanding of technological tools that can assist lawyers such as AI.
  4. Give you a wider perspective: We will build relevant conferences with unmissable content such as the Elections conference - trust me, elections will be a big feature of 2024. Remember, our ‘Membership Plus’ subscription gives you free access to our one-day online conferences.
  5. Build our community: It may be about providing you with safe spaces to talk and share experiences with your peers - whether in national or regional groups - or peer groups where you can grow together, such as our Junior Lawyers program.
  6. Raise our voice: Who knows what this year will bring politically, economically, or socially. Importantly, we will continue to ensure your opinions are heard, wherever this year takes us.

But you need to play your part too. If you can commit to expanding your own knowledge, growing your network, undertaking some personal development, and thinking about what is going on in the sector as well as in your authority, together we can make a difference. Lift your head, step away from the desk occasionally, make those connections, and the year will be a whole lot more satisfying for all of us.

Deborah Evans


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