Many of you will be aware of the ongoing LLG obsession with respect to driving forward good governance. We have several exciting, concurrent work-streams looking at how we reinforce that golden thread of governance within local authorities.
Let’s start with the basics: LLG along with our friends the LGIU and Browne Jacobson, are looking to properly define the role and responsibilities of a monitoring officer. Legislation is remarkably quiet as to what is expected, so we have drawn on knowledge, experience and practice to create a comprehensive piece of guidance……something that Monitoring Officers can use within their local authority to shed light on the question of ‘what exactly do you do……?’
Moving up a tier, we are then working with CIPFA, SOLACE, and Bevan Brittan to draft a Code of Guidance for Statutory Officers, to paint a picture of how the CEO, the CFO / s151 officer, and the Monitoring Officer work together. Again, legislation is remarkably quiet as to what is expected, so we are calling on you to help us fill the gaps. This is really going to help define working arrangements, explain each role, illustrate what good challenge looks like, and enable open debate.
At the top level, we are then working with CIPFA, SOLACE and Grant Thornton on learning lessons from local government failure. Obviously, this looks wider than just the contribution that the three statutory officers bring. It includes commentary on politics, leadership, risk and culture, and will be a fascinating insight about what to do when there are blockers or blind spots to good governance and effective decision making. Again, legislation is remarkably quiet on governance, what with the supporting legislation being 50 years old.
Finally, we believe in the power of checks and balances, and are working with the LGA on improving the assurance framework to get that fit for purpose.
So much work, so little law to support it. Wouldn’t it be nice, once we get to the point of having all these recommendations and guidance, to look at rewriting the legislative framework to include commentary on governance, redefine the role of the Monitoring Officer to accurately reflect the job in practice, clarify working arrangements within that ‘golden triangle’, and set a simpler yet comprehensive framework for assurance?
Deborah Evans