Sometimes, the last thing we do professionally is invest in ourselves and nurture our own development. The managers amongst you may be prioritising your teams’ wants and needs above your own. Personally, and professionally; your impact, leadership, and performance will be enhanced if you plan to take time out to meet your peers and think, reflect, share experiences, plan, and grow. So why not grasp the opportunity with both hands and join us in Birmingham in November?
You’ll get to hear from some amazing speakers - be inspired by the story of the delivery of the Commonwealth Games, hear the LGA reflect on the abuse received by councillors and what we can all do to burst the bubble of online hatred, learn positive lessons from the experiences of those councils scrutinised in Public Interest Reports, understand what the road to devolution looks like in practice (coming soon to a local authority near you…), be guided on Case Law, Call - Ins, Constitutions, Councillor Conduct, and those with responsibilities for staff recruitment and retention will benefit from breakout sessions on best practice in Equality & Diversity, and innovative approaches to pay and grading. That’s not bad for a Friday.
But that’s not all - remotely, the following week you and your colleagues will be able to attend sessions on, understanding s113 arrangements between local authorities, hear the ombudsman’s reflections on maladministration, discover more about the covid-19 enquiry, be updated on law and policy with respect to severance payments, data protection, and the procurement bill (which is transformational in its approach) and much, much more. By the end of this you will be brilliantly equipped for what is coming your way as a local authority lawyer. How time efficient is that?
Never been to an LLG conference before? Our community are a very welcoming bunch who will ensure you feel comfortable, make new friends, and get something positive out of attending. Our conferences are relaxed and friendly, yet inspiring and powerful.
This could be just the boost you need.
Best wishes
Deborah Evans