In March I had the privilege of representing LLG at the SOLAR Scotland conference in Dundee. It was great to speak to colleagues from local authorities across Scotland about the issues they are facing. They are similar but different to those we face in England and Wales.
Anyway, here are six reasons why life is better in Scotland:
There was no talk about failing councils, commissioners, section 114 reports or best value inspections. It was uplifting. That’s partly because section 114 doesn’t apply in Scotland, but I think mainly because they haven’t had any failing councils. People I spoke to were careful to explain that councils are worried about their financial position.
The Legal System is independent. It can take whatever it thinks is good from England and Wales, but when it thinks E&W have got it wrong it just politely ignores it. Obviously it’s more complicated than that, but that’s what it seems to be able to do quite often.
It is a lovely friendly community and I had many interesting conversations with colleagues from across the country.
They have better cakes. Not only were the refreshments delicious but there is an amazing bakers in Dundee which sells fudge donuts. Definitely don’t miss them if you are ever in Dundee. They also had jelly beans on every table.
SOLAR has got such a sunny name. It’s really cheerful. We even had sunny weather. I’m not very good at selfies but my best effort was a photograph of me in the sunshine which my lovely Essex colleagues have said made me look like the baby in the Teletubbies. You’ll have to look on my LinkedIn if you want to see that particular image because LLG have politely declined to publish it. In fact LLG have told me I need media training, with a particular emphasis on how to take more and better selfies.
They are still allowed to have online meetings. Dundee City Council is just about to go back to having in person meetings, though they think meetings will always by hybrid. People looked at me slightly oddly when I said that wasn’t allowed in England (see point 2!)
We also got to meet the Lord Provost of Dundee who told us that the motto of the city is ‘Dei Donum’. I can’t quite read the note I took but I think it means God’s Donuts.
I have promised that if I am lucky enough to go back next year I will bring some Tiptree jam, one of Essex’s better exports to the world.
Paul Turner