Dear Members,
We have received several queries as to whether meetings of the authority can/should proceed during the period of National Mourning for Her Majesty the Queen. Once a summons for a meeting has been issued, there is no provision for meetings to be postponed unless the circumstances make it impossible for the meeting to be held. Therefore, meetings which have already been summonsed should proceed as planned.
The Council’s Operation London Bridge arrangements provide that upon confirmation of death, mourning dress code should be worn by council officials at functions including official meetings of the council. Officials include: Chair and Vice-Chair, Leader and Deputy Leader, other elected Members and the Chief Executive and nominated deputies.
Black ribbons should cover civic regalia and chains; black ties; black ribbon broaches and/armbands should be worn by public officials until the day after the funeral. A small stock of black ties, black ribbon broaches and arm bands are usually held by Members Support for those officials who do not have their own.
The Chair of the meeting may invite those in attendance to hold a minute's silence at the start of the meeting as a mark of respect.
Organisations are encouraged to act with discretion regarding announcements, publicity or public facing activity during the period of National Mourning in terms of both content and timing. This is particularly pertinent on the day of demise and the day of the State Funeral. Local Authorities should review the meeting diary for the period of National Mourning and consider whether any adjustments need to be made. Where appropriate, you should also work with the Civic Office and the Chair and Vice-Chair in relation to civic events planned during the period.