This year's International Women's Day theme is #EmbraceEquity.
The aim of the IWD 2023 #EmbraceEquity campaign theme is to get the world talking about 'Why equal opportunities aren't enough'. "People start from different places, so true inclusion and belonging require equitable action".
The LGA have produced a briefing to the House of Lords on IWD which covers a roundup of the LGA's Campaigns including 'Debate not Hate' and 'Be a Councillor' as well as a collation of case studies of councils’ innovative work and projects to tackle discrimination and improve the lives of women.
They also reference the launch of their new toolkit to help councils create underlying policies, procedures, ethos and environment that encourages and empowers women, parents and carers to become local councillors and take on leadership positions.
You can read the briefing here.
LLG are currently looking at all aspects of equalities, diversity, inclusion and social mobility as part of a dedicated campaign. We know from intitial benchmarking that our sector is made up of more women than men and that those at the senior level broadly reflect this trait (although the percentage is lower). However, we are aware that senior level representation within the private sector does not reflect the number of female lawyers employed. LLG will continue its work in this field and continue to champion the role of women in the profession and public service more widely.