23 Jan 2025

LLG Board Update

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LLG have been busy of late not only providing training, networking and guidance but also campaigning and influencing on the sectors behalf to improve the local government landscape and embed ethical governance into the sector. 

Ever conscious of making sure our own house is order, last year we commissioned a governance review to ensure our structure was fit for purpose and adhered to the principles of good governance, whilst ensuring our membership was effectively represented. Whilst we are pleased to report that our governance arrangements were sound, we understand that that there is always room for improvement in all things. To that end, we are pleased to announce the following outcomes and steps which we will be implementing to improve even further the strategic direction of the company and the provision of services to our members: - 


We have already opened up far more positions on the board by way of open elections for Deputy Vice President, 6 Regional Directors and Junior Lawyer Director; and have introduced advertised opportunities for the role of Training Director and EDI Director.  

Whilst we introduced three years back a cap on the term a director may serve (9 years), last year we moved to limit the duration of appointments before re-election to 2 years for all directors (aside from the Junior Lawyer Director who has a term of 1 year following automatic appointment from the role of Junior National Lead for a year). However, our governance review indicated that we had gone too far on restricting terms of office to such a short period resulting in directors barely getting to grips with the company and attempting to drive forward change before they have to face re-election. Upon advice, we have resolved to amend the terms of office to 4 years in order to enable effective leadership and deliverable outcomes to take place. For the Junior National Lead and Junior Director, their term will increase to 2 years respectively (so providing 4 years in total). This is why this year, you will only have seen an election opportunity for the role of Deputy Vice Chair, because this position automatically moves through each successive one ending in Past President (so results in a 4 -year term).  


One other notable change stemming from the governance review is that of the implementation of a Board Chair. The Presidential role will be moved from the Chair position and a dedicated Board Chair will be brought into (following application) to drive balanced debate and decision making. This position will be advertised shortly.  



Some changes will be put before the AGM as a special resolution on 24th April 2025. However, we have determined that given there have been so many changes to the Articles over the past 4 years, we will undertake a wholescale review with the intention of examining the following: - 

  1. Whether the company purpose is still fit.  
  1. Membership eligibility and obtaining membership 
  1. Size and composition of the Board 
  1. Eligibility to stand for office  
  1. The elections process 
  1. National Lead provision 
  1. Regional Lead provision  
  1. Powers and Duties  
  1. Interests 
  1. EDI Impact Assessment  
  1. The Professional Body for MO’s 


The review will take 11 months to complete and there will be lots of consultation opportunities with you, the membership throughout that period. Proposals will be taken to the AGM in 2026 as a special resolution.  


If you have any queries about the changes or want to get involved with LLG, please do get in touch.  

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