LLG are consulting on proposals to replace the existing Branch Structure within LLG.
There are currently 11 Branches within LLG which operate as unincorporated associations under a constitution. Branches are acknowledged within LLG’s company articles but run independently. The proposals contained in this review are designed to support members more effectively in the regions whilst reflecting modern working practices.
How to Respond and Comment
The consultation is open for comments until 11.59pm on 12th September 2022.
Responses should be sent to
To provide flexibility, members are invited to comment on any or all aspects of the proposals. Further or in the alternative, LLG have created a short survey which asks 5 discreet questions and will take 2 minutes to complete. It can be accessed here:
A Branch and National Lead Review has been running since the start of January 2021. Steps taken to consult on needs, suggestions and changes were carried out as follows:-
This consultation on proposals represents the last steps of the Branch and National Lead Review.
Proposals for Branch
Branches become Regions and are brought into the company.
Regions will be allocated from existing geographical areas as follows: -
Regions will be overseen by a member elected Regional Membership Director who must live or work in the area for which they are standing.
The Role of the Regional Membership Director will be: -
Regional Membership Directors will be able to appoint a Deputy Regional Membership Aide to assist them and attend meetings in lieu of them (in relation to board meetings they will not be a director and cannot vote of their own accord).
Existing Branch finances will be transferred to LLG and ringfenced to the Region.
Existing Branch Officers will be encouraged to continue to be involved in local groups, new regional meetings and indeed stand for election.
Proposals for National Lead
It is not proposed to change the National Lead areas save for the change of title in respect of Partnerships and Procurement to just ‘Procurement’.
Currently National Leads can appoint a deputy to assist them. This assists National Leads and helps to build succession. All National Lead areas span one or two broad areas of law, for example, Children Services also includes Education. This means that it is open to the childcare national lead to focus a deputy on education. The same applies to Housing and Regeneration. However, the Litigation and Licensing National Lead area covers civil litigation, criminal litigation and licensing. It is therefore proposed to enable the Litigation and Licensing National Lead to appoint two deputies to assist with the other areas.
It is not proposed to change the appointment method of a National Lead by the board following open application. This is because these are specialist appointments requiring detailed disclosure of CV and supporting evidence. They are not membership representational roles per se, but rather the face of LLG in their specialism.
It is proposed that if the role of the National Lead Director is to represent National Leads (and they have already been vetted by the Board), it would be sensible to ringfence election back to National Leads.
For queries other than comments please contact