It was with absolute heartbreak that LLG learnt of the news of the untimely and sudden passing of Suki Binjal. A former LLG President, Suki was instrumental in the shaping of the company as it now stands and a prominent figure in local government law and practice. Beyond all that however- she was a valued and close colleague.
She was the epitome of joyous revelry- the sage pioneer for equalities; a mentor, a zealous and passionate promoter of local government - but above all of this, she was a great friend. She will be sorely missed and many of us simply cannot take in the news. Our thoughts of course remain with her husband Paul, and her dear family. We stand united as we always do. Together in unity and supported by our family of lawyers in local government.
We are greatly touched by the outpouring from our community and will update on arrangements as they develop. For now, we can only pay testament to the great character that Suki was and grieve her in our own way. She leaves an aching hole in the landscape, and she will be greatly, greatly missed.