JUSTICE is a law reform and human rights charity, working to reform the UK justice system with a focus on the most vulnerable and marginalised in society.
At JUSTICE, they are focusing on a practical and collaborative approach to influence change within the systems. They are holding new upcoming Outsourcing Working Party events, both virtual and hybrid. The next meeting will be held on 22nd November 2023 – 5-7pm – Working Party Meeting: Accountability.
LLG invites our members to get involved with the work at JUSTICE, they have launched two evidence surveys in Tender & Contract and Contract oversight, transparency, and accountability. The purpose of the surveys is to receive evidence from those with personal or professional experience of outsourced public services to contribute to JUSTICE’s evidence-based recommendations. With a deadline of the written evidence to be submitted by 4th December 2023, they hope to finalise a report around April 2024. Once the report is launched, JUSTICE will set out a multi-year period of implementation, involving proactively reaching out to key stakeholders at whom the report’s recommendations are aimed and working to achieve changes in policy, practices, laws etc.
Currently, around one third of all government public spending is now spent on outsourcing. The increased use of the private and voluntary sector to deliver public services has created much criticism of certain outsourced contracts. For example, assessments and decisions relating to individuals' access to state entitlements are now being carried out by private providers, often in areas that involve individuals with vulnerabilities and impact their human rights. JUSTICE has identified that the present legal framework around outsourcing is not working for these individuals. Often, the contracts do not contain basic safeguards for individuals, there is poor oversight and enforcement of contracts in any event and companies who repeatedly breach rights and/or administrative justice principles are often re-awarded key contracts. The Outsourcing and Administrative Justice Working Party will focus on the outsourcing of decision-making and assessments by local and national government in areas that concern individual rights. The Working Party seeks to make a series of practical recommendations for how outsourcing across all sectors could be done in a way that better upholds the public law principles at the heart of administrative justice and better protects individuals, particularly those in vulnerable circumstances. The Working Party will discuss the evidence that has been gathered from these surveys and formulate practical, evidence-based recommendations to be included in the final report which will launch in spring 2024.
For more information, see the Working Party’s webpage here.
To contact JUSTICE - by email: admin@justice.org.uk or by phone: 020 7329 5100