Dear Member
Please find attached LLG's Notice of AGM to take place on 7th April 2022 at 12.00pm via gotowebinar. Please note, included in the business are proposals to amend LLG's current Articles of Association by way of Special Resolution.
Please notice of agenda.
You can register for the AGM by going here:
If you would like to register an apology of absence or would like to table a question in advance, then please contact Helen Haslam at .
Please note that proxy forms must be sent to and follow the format as set out in the notes to the proxy form. Proxy forms must be received by 11.59am on Tuesday 5th April 2022.
A directors report, company accounts and minutes of the last meeting will be published prior to the AGM on the LLG website and circulated to the membership.
Yours faithfully
Helen McGrath
Company Secretary