19 Jul 2022 | News

LLG Seeks National Lead Application for Children's Services & Education

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LLG are looking for National Lead in the following area:

Children's Services & Education

National Leads represent the profession and take a national view; liaising with high profile stakeholders with the ability to actively influence and shape the sector. With training and development opportunities and the potential to raise your profile, this is rewarding position which will enhance your CV and network of contacts significantly.

Should you wish to be considered, please set out on no more than two sides of A4 a written application demonstrating with examples where possible, the following:

  • Expertise in the law covered by the area.
  • What you would do to improve representation of the views of local government lawyers in the area of law covered by the area.
  • What you would want to achieve for LLG/or see LLG achieve in the area of law covered by your area.
  • How you would work to support and develop local and regional leads.
  • Capacity to represent LLG effectively and with impact at all levels;
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills;
  • Personal achievement.

If you would like to discuss the role then please contact Helen McGrath, Head of Public Affairs at Helen@llg.org.uk in the first instance.

Closing Date

  • 12th September 2022


  • 1.Must be a full member of Lawyers in Local Government
  • 2.Must be currently actively working within Local Government
  • 3.Must have some understanding of the work of LLG and its aims and objectives
  • 4.Should have some understanding of the current challenges facing local government lawyers
  • 5.Strong interpersonal skills and leadership qualities

The position is a voluntary, non-paid role but expenses will be covered in line with the expenses policy. There is also the potential to attend LLG conferences and other events.

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