Events in the Ukraine are deeply worrying, and our thoughts are with everyone affected. It is an enshrined principal of international law that a state is prohibited from using the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state. LLG hope for a quick end to hostilities and the restoration of normal governance and protection of human rights.
The threat or use of force can also, in some circumstances, extend to acts in cyberspace. In consequence, the National Cyber Security Centre has issued guidance on the steps to take when the cyber threat is heightened. The guidance, “Actions to take when the cyber threat is heightened - NCSC.GOV.UK” encourages organisations of all sizes to follow actionable steps that reduce the risk of falling victim to an attack.
LLG know that some of you will have personal connections to the Ukraine and we understand this must be an extremely difficult time. We would encourage you to reach out to your manager and colleagues if you feel able to do so. The government have also issued Guidance on ‘Support for family members of British nationals in Ukraine, and Ukrainian nationals in Ukraine and the UK’ which you may find helpful.