12 Mar 2025

Rachel McKoy Elected to the Law Society Local Government Council Seat

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Rachel McKoy Elected to the Law Society Local Government Council Seat

Rachel McKoy has been elected via ballot to the vacant position of Local Government Council Seat Member on the Law Society Council. The seat became vacant following the sad passing of Suki Binjal in 2024 and will run until expiry of the term in 2026, whereon elections will be held again.

Rachel McKoy is the Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer at Newham Council, and Past President of Lawyers in Local Government. Rachel leaves the Board of LLG at its AGM next month and LLG welcome the opportunity to continue to work with Rachel in her new role to further the interests of local government lawyers and disseminate good practice, particularly in governance.

Upon learning of her success, Rachel said “I am absolutely delighted that our local government lawyer family have put their faith in me to represent them on the Law Society Council. It is a privilege to take up the mantal from our former Council member Suki Binjal who left such a great legacy. I intend to ensure the voices of our sector are heard and our interests put forward. Thank you to all of you that voted”.


To view a list of all geographical and non-geographical seat holders click here


Nominations for more positions in various portfolios will open at the Law Society in April 2025 and eligible local government lawyers are urged to consider applying.

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