At the LLG AGM this year, the company resolved by membership vote to bring the Branches into the direct control of the company and consolidate the regions. This was done in order to ensure parity of service within the regions and provide targeted supported whilst ensuring greater accountability and transparency for our grass roots membership across England and Wales.
Following open elections, I was elected as the Regional Director for the North, which incorporates the previous Branches of the North-West, Northern and Yorkshire and Humber.
I am absolutely delighted to represent our Region and I am really keen to hear your thoughts on how we might better serve your interests locally. I am also particularly keen to hear from anyone running local groups within our Region and learn about the support which could be offered to ensure these vital meetings continue to take place.
I am currently devising a Regional Strategy with my fellow Regional Directors to ensure that we are able to both disseminate information from the Board and enable a mechanism to feed back up from the grassroot membership. Between us, we are also considering in-person and remote events/training, relationships with framework providers and joint working opportunities, regional bursaries to attend LLG Conferences, and links to educational establishments to grow succession within the profession. If you have any other ideas or thoughts, then please do not hesitate to contact me at Kieran McGaughey- and please copy in
I very much look forward to creating a vibrant, engaged and networked region.
Best Wishes
Kieran McGaughey