LLG are proposing to make amendments to its Articles of Association at its AGM at 12.00pm on 7th April 2022 which in summary provides for the following:
Qualifies membership of the Forum to ‘Confirmed’ Regional Leads to ensure the group is active and up to date.
Adds the definition of ‘Confirmed Regional Lead’ to ensure engaged members only are eligible for the Forum (see below)
Expands “Qualified Persons” to include Apprentices.
Expands appointment of “Regional Lead Officer” beyond Branch Officers to include the relevant National Lead Officer for the designated local government area in consultation with Branch Officers.
Changes the word member director within “Relevant Director” to ‘membership director’ in line with adopted parlance.
Provides for attendance at general meetings virtually via a hybrid meeting under 5.11.2
Removes the word ‘pari passu’ and replaces it with plain the plain English “ranking equally and without preference”.at 5.12.1 -Voting and General Meetings
Amends Delivery of Proxy notices from ‘Office’ to ‘Registered Office’ at 6.3
Deletes the position of Treasurer on board composition at 7.2(ii).
Removes the effective dates (which have now passed) in respect of the following board positions :
(vii) two Branch Directors;
(viii) two National Lead Directors;
(ix) two Membership Directors;
(ix) one Junior Director;
Clarifies the Training Director as being the Chairman of LLG Enterprises.
Provides for the new position of Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Non-Executive Director on the Board of LLG.
Provides for the new position of Welsh Board Director of LLG.
Amends 10.1.and 10.2.1 to provide a one-year term of office for National Lead Directors
Clarifies 11.3.9 by including the words ‘subject to paragraph 11.1.4’ to ensure that a duly appointed Junior Director is able to continue their term of office should they attain 5 years PQE during that period to prevent automatic retirement.
Urgent Business Board Committee
Removes reference to ‘Treasurer’ at 11.6 as the Treasurer position is removed.
Appendix D ‘The Forum’
Inserts objects, purpose and arrangements into this section in resect of the Forum as follows:
To focus on the representation of LLG and its members together with the provision of services and benefits to its membership by sharing knowing and good practice, seeking out collaboration opportunities and providing a community focus for lawyers in local government.
To make recommendations to the LLG Board on targeted projects and campaigns and to be the voice of the membership, working strategically with the Membership Directors, Branch Directors and National Lead Directors.
To focus on various workstreams including but not limited to:
Formulation of policy and position statements on legislative development and the local government arena.
Identifying and contributing to targeted change campaigns and prioritising work-streams for lobbying.
To generate key contact lists and targeted parliamentary committee groups.
To identify emerging primary and secondary legislation together with case law which effects the work of local government lawyers and to prioritise key areas.
To liaise with stakeholders and identify joint working initiatives.
To inform consultations and lead working groups.
By engaging with stakeholders.
To inform the programmes for the Spring Conference, Governance Conference and other events.
To harmonise regional offerings and provide guidance to Regional Experts.
To share Branch best practice and formulate action plans to re-establish redundant branches.
To share National Expert best practice and disseminate to Regional Experts.
To identify membership needs and priorities.
Arrangements for the Forum
The Forum will be established virtually through a private Forum member area on the LLG Website. Appointment to the Forum will be confirmed and provided by the Company on confirmation of appointment to either a Branch Officer, National Lead or Regional Lead position.
Where a Branch Officer, National Lead or Regional Lead Officer ceases to hold office, they will automatically cease to hold membership of the Forum unless the Board determines with complete discretion otherwise.