This course is available to junior lawyers at a discounted rate of £75 + VAT. Click here for more information.
This course will provide attendees with a solid understanding of the key principles and procedure relating to anti-social behaviour injunctions in both the county court and youth court. It will include the typical uses of an ASBI, including the history of such injunctions and orders, and other types of injunction. The course will cover:
Who can apply for an injunction
The test for obtaining an ASBI
Making an application
Mandatory conditions
Powers of arrest
Exclusion from the home
Without notice applications
The first hearing
Directions, disclosure and defences
Contested hearings
Committal proceedings: breach, hearings and penalties
After arrest
On application
Useful case law
This course is aimed at anyone dealing with anti-social behaviour and community safety within a local authority.
Principal Legal Officer, Leeds City Council
Adrian Tonge has been a Principal Legal Officer with Leeds City Council since 2004 specialising in anti-social behaviour cases. He is also a trustee of ASB Help, which aims to provide support for victims of anti-social behaviour. He currently seeks injunctions and premises closure orders and pursues possession actions for ASB in the magistrates and county courts. He has provided training over the last 20 years for LGG, West Yorkshire Police, Cumbria Constabulary and the Leeds Anti Social Behaviour Team. His work has been recognised by awards from both Safer Leeds and West Yorkshire Police (with whom he works closely).