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Online - A Monitoring Officer’s Guide to Managing Discipline and Dismissal of Statutory Officers

11 September 2025 09:30 - 12:30


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11 September 2025  |  From £130 + VAT

This course covers the complex issue of disciplining and dismissing statutory officers.  It is designed to provide an understanding of the legal requirements, the process and the practical steps that can be taken to mitigate the risks of challenge. 

The course will cover:

- An outline of the legal position and protections for statutory officers

- What is meant by “disciplinary action and dismissal” in this context

- Governance issues - the structures/”building blocks” needed to manage the process (including what needs to be in constitutions, schemes of delegation, and Officer Employment Procedure Rules, and how members are involved)

- A detailed look at the process which needs to be applied

- Suspension

- Settlement as an alternative option (and the application of statutory guidance to payments)

- Q&A

There will be a case study to facilitate interactive participation and illustrate the issues in practice.

The course will help you to:

- Feel confident about the legal requirements and how to manage the process.

- Understand whether your council is prepared in terms of having the necessary structures in place.

David Kitson

Partner, Bevan Brittan

David specialises in public and administrative law and governance. He is also an expert in information law including DPA/GDPR, FOIA and EIR, providing advice, training and support to local government, as well as to NHS CCGs, National Park Authorities and other public and quasi-public bodies.

Prior to joining Bevan Brittan David worked for a local authority for almost 13 years, the latter 6 of which he was the Deputy Monitoring Officer and Senior Information Risk Owner. During this time he frequently provided advice on decision making and governance, often requiring a high degree of political awareness and sensitivity, and advised upon and resolved many technical and contentious issues.

David’s in-house experience means that he is able to give practical advice reflecting both political context and the day to day issues experienced in the public sector.

Sarah Lamont

Partner, Bevan Brittan 

Sarah is a specialist employment lawyer with over 30 years' experience and is Bevan Brittan’s lead partner providing employment advice to local authorities and central government. She has particular expertise in TUPE transfers, Local Government Reorganisation, restructuring and redundancies, complex employment litigation, discrimination/equality issues, equal pay, statutory officer discipline and dismissal, senior staff exits and severance payments.

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