This course is available to junior lawyers at a discounted rate of £75 + VAT. Click here for more information.
This course will take place on the platform Zoom.
This course will take attendees through the law, Guidance and relevant Codes of Practice, the basic procedures and practice points to ensure correct and successful prosecutions in the magistrates’ court. The day will be broken down into four interactive sessions, allowing all attendees to engage with the speaker and with each other, share experience, ask questions, and participate in discussion. The day will include practical sessions on witness statements, application of the Codes, drafting Informations and Summonses. A Case Study will be used to illustrate practical points, Some pre reading and preparation relating to the Case Study will be required to benefit fully from the course, which will be provided in advance
The course will cover:
Code of Practice for Crown Prosecutors and other relevant Codes and Guidance
Obtaining authorisations to prosecute and reviewing evidence
The decision to prosecute
Identifying the Defendant and the correct offences
Evidence collection and analysis
Drafting Informations/Summonses
Preparation for a hearing or trial
Dealings with a defendant in person
Obligations of the defence representative and dealings with them
Duties to the Court
Sentencing and Ancillary Orders
This course is most suitable for those who are new to prosecution work within a local authority and/or within their first few years of practice. Delegates should already have or intend to hold a right of audience in the magistrates’ court.
Stephen D. Turner, MStJ., MIoL, LLB
Stephen Turner is a solicitor with Kingston upon Hull City Council and specialises in regulatory prosecutions and licensing. He qualified in 1986 and was in private practice before moving into local government in 1994. Stephen has been solely responsible for advice to the Council and its Officers on all aspects of licensing law and procedure since 2004. He advises the Committee and Officers in connection with all applications, reviews, prosecutions, and appeals concerning licensing matters from taxis and private hire to sex shops, zoos and scrap metal dealers and is Legal Advisor to the Committee when in session. Stephen also deals with advocacy arising from decisions of the Committee by way of appeals or from the prosecution of offenders under all relevant legislation. Stephen is an experienced prosecutor for the regulatory departments of the Council dealing with all types of high-end cases from counterfeiting to food safety and fraud.
Stephen has presented lectures, workshops, and seminars to a variety of audiences including magistrates, solicitors, members of the Institute of Licensing, Council Members and Officers and others within his areas of interest and expertise.
Steve is a Past National Chair of Solicitors in Local Government (SLG now Lawyers in Local Government (LLG)), a former Chair and Branch Secretary of the Yorkshire and the Humber Branch of SLG/LLG and is currently the Litigation and Licensing Deputy National Lead (Licensing) for LLG. Steve is also a former Vice Chairman of the Northeast Region of the Institute of Licensing (IoL) and is an Independent Trainer, Lecturer, Mentor and Consultant. Steve chaired the IoL’s Working Party which produced and published (in 2018 (Reviewed 2024)) the Guidance on the relevance of previous convictions in Hackney and Private Hire Licencing.