PLEASE NOTE: The content of this course does NOT cover relevant Welsh laws.
Other dates will be arranged for 2025. To join the waiting list please email
Every council has to appoint at least one Independent Person to support their standards procedures. IPs play a vital role in ensuring the upholding of high ethical standards in local authorities.
This new half day course will focus on the key role of the IP in ensuring code of conduct issues are dealt with fairly and consistently. It is aimed at Independent Persons themselves and also Monitoring Officers (and DMOs). It will be particularly useful for newly appointed IPs and MOs/DMOs. The course will cover:
The statutory requirements in relation to the appointment of IPs
The roles and responsibilities of IPs
The key stages of a complaint when the IP needs to be involved
Tricky issues in standards matters for both the MO and IP
Cases and commentary which have explored the role of the IP
Collective responsibility for high ethical standards in a local authority
The session will be delivered by Bethan Evans and Gill Sinclair, both experienced local government lawyers and trainers on standards issues who also investigate code of conduct complaints.
Bethan Evans Governance Training and Consultancy, GOV TC
Beth is a recognised expert in local authority governance and decision-making, having worked in this field for over 40 years. She was an in-house lawyer for nearly 20 years, at four different councils in England (including Bristol City Council, Avon County Council and South Gloucestershire Council). She moved from a practitioner specialising in education, housing, commercial and social care law into management posts, culminating in roles as a County Solicitor and a Director of Corporate Services in a unitary authority.
Beth led the Welsh Local Government Agency responsible for improvement and development in the 22 unitary councils in Wales (and the regional employer) for three years from 1998.
In 2001 Beth moved to a role as a partner with Bevan Brittan LLP, a leading national law firm, where she led the local government team for 17 years, for 4 years of which she was Senior Partner of the firm. The firm has, for many years, been ranked Band One legal advisors for local authorities.
Legal 500 rankings 2017 – UK Local Government Law
Bethan Evans is the “undisputed leader in the field”
In 2016, Beth left her legal role and set up her business as an independent governance trainer and advisor. She is an experienced and highly regarded practitioner in this field. She specialises in member and officer development for local authorities. She has a wealth of practical experience which enables her to bring these insights to her training.
In this capacity, Beth has provided sessions for over 120 councils over the last few years, including county councils, unitaries, London boroughs, combined authorities, districts, and parishes.
Beth works extensively with LLG on their programme of governance related sessions and on training for Monitoring Officers.
Other roles
In addition to her professional business, Beth has held trustee/non-executive roles including:
Chair of the charity Ablaze which seeks to address inequality of opportunity and achievement in young people by bringing businesses and schools together in reading, maths, and mentoring programmes
Non-executive Director of Bristol Energy Limited for 2 years
Gill is an experienced local government lawyer who has worked for over 20 years in the fields of governance, standards and planning.
Gill has extensive experience of providing advice to councils on decision-making, probity, standards and the Member Code of Conduct. She has undertaken all aspects of work relating to allegations of breaches of the Code, including assessment and investigation of complaints, reporting and advising the Standards Committee, dealing with Standards Committee hearings and providing training to Councillors and Independent Persons.