This course is available to junior lawyers at a discounted rate of £75 + VAT. Click here for more information.
This practical course provides a solid overview of section 106 agreements including the relevant legislation, planning obligations and the construct of the s106 agreement itself. The course will cover the law that lawyers, planners and others need to know in connection with preparing and managing section 106 agreements. The course covers:
Decisions by the Planning Committee and others; when to delegate and when not to; what can be done by planning condition
Section 106 agreements and unilateral undertakings; the National Planning Policy Framework
Concluding the section 106 agreement. What can be done over affordable housing, education contributions, flooding, regeneration and other subject areas, routine and exceptional. What to expect in agreements
What the council can require and how it enforces the agreement
Layout and drafting
Finding out what the developer and its advisers are trying to achieve; getting the most for your authority; advising the members
Applications for review of agreements under section 106A and in other ways
What happens where the developer and council cannot agree
Maximising the prospects of winning on an appeal
How the government’s planning reform proposals will impact s106 agreements
This course is suitable for planning lawyers, members of Planning Committees, planning officers and enforcement officers at any level of experience dealing with section 106 agreements.
Head of Legal/Monitoring Officer, Uttlesford District Council
Nurainatta has worked in local government for over 20 years with 13 years post qualification experience as a local government lawyer at London Borough, County, District/Borough Council level, regularly advising Members and senior officers on a range of sensitive and high profile issues. She has a specialism in planning law, including drafting a full range of planning obligations agreements, advising at Committee and providing legal support and guidance on major schemes. She also provides governance and standards advice as Monitoring Officer.