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Online - Committees Basic Survival Guide

05 February 2025 09:30 - 14:45


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05 February 2025  |  From £205 + VAT

This course is available to junior lawyers at a discounted rate of £75 + VAT. Click here for more information. 

A local authority is a big business: it must work within a political culture and a decision-making framework. The whole Council cannot sit in permanent session debating all the detailed issues and making all the necessary decisions. Apart from the practicalities that would arise, it has limited powers to intervene in decisions on executive functions. The framework is complex; different legal requirements and procedural rules apply to different types of meetings. The Local Government Acts prescribe much of the legal framework, but it is important not to forget that the courts also have a very important part to play in local authority decision-making.

Delivered by highly experienced speaker Peter Edwards, this practical course will give participants a good introduction to the law and practice of local authority meetings and a basic knowledge and understanding of council constitutions, especially executive arrangements and the committee system. The course will include new insights and good practice tips to help you to carry out your role effectively, whilst also giving you the confidence to apply what you have learned. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with the speaker and with each other, share experience, ask questions, and participate in case study examples.

This course is aimed at lawyers and democratic services officers and others who wish to understand the basics of the legal framework of local authority meetings; how to prepare for and handle meetings, including some of the statutory and procedural rules that apply; and benefit from some good practice tips on how to advise elected members with confidence.


  • The roles of the Council and its committees
  • Committee structures
  • Powers and duties and terms of reference
  • Schemes of delegation and the principles and practice of delegation
  • The appointment and composition of committees
  • The political balance rules
  • Substitution at meetings
  • Directly Elected Mayor and Leader and Cabinet models
  • Council and executive functions
  • Executive decision-making and scrutiny
  • Convening meetings: The agenda and summons
  • Access to meetings and papers
  • Exclusion of public and press
  • Key decisions and the forward plan
  • Managing remote meetings
  • Remote attendance by councillors
  • Remote access by members of the public
  • The register of members’ interests
  • Disclosable pecuniary interests
  • Declarations at meetings
  • Some practical examples

Peter Edwards

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