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Online - Leadership Conference 2025

07 March 2025 09:25 - 16:15


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07 March 2025  |  From £225 + VAT

Being in a position of leadership in a local authority can be extremely challenging, particularly in the current climate. The considerable issues currently faced by local government require strong, creative leadership not only from monitoring officers and those in other senior positions but also from those stepping into leadership roles for the first time.

Wherever you are in your career and whatever your aspirations, developing leadership skills is vital. Whether you are head of legal, monitoring officer, deputy monitoring officer, or team leader, expanding and broadening your management and leadership skills will enable you to lead confidently through periods of uncertainty and develop your strategic contribution.

This fully remote conference will feature sessions from leading speakers on the most up-to-date issues currently facing those in senior and leadership roles in local authorities. Claire Ward, Partner at Anthony Collins, will open the programme by exploring how lawyers in leadership positions can add value in local government. Amerdeep Somal, Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman, will discuss the role of the Ombudsman in supporting good governance and ethical leadership. Philip McCourt, Legal Director at Bevan Brittan, and Professor Catherine Staite from the University of Birmingham will share insights on governance failures and the positive steps that can be taken to avoid them.

The afternoon will feature a session led by Zara Mohammed, former Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain, on women in leadership, the challenges they face, and the resilience required to succeed. Simon Goacher, Partner at Weightmans, will examine the implications of whistleblowing for leadership in local government, offering valuable perspectives on accountability and transparency. The conference will conclude with Jacqui McKinley, Chief Operating Officer of Liverpool City Council, discussing resilient leadership and the importance of adaptability, decisiveness, and support during times of crisis and change.

The full programme and details of all speakers will be available shortly. This conference offers an opportunity to gain invaluable insights, explore practical strategies, and engage in thought-provoking discussions on leadership in local government, so don’t miss out and secure your place now.

Zara Mohammed

Zara Mohammed

Zara Mohammed is a master's graduate in Human Rights Law and a Training and Development Consultant.

She was elected the first female, first Scot and youngest Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain in February 2021. She is passionate about community change, empowering young people, and improving diversity and inclusion both within her communities and beyond.

During her election Zara has spoken on key issues impacting British Muslims across mainstream media and publications, she was a keynote speaker at the G20 interfaith summit and was featured in Vogue’s 25 most influential women in the UK.

After working in the charitable sector for several years, Zara has now set up a consultancy with a focus on developing excellence in leadership, better governance and improving equality and diversity in the workplace.

Amerdeep Somal

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman & Chair of the Commission 

Amerdeep joined us in February 2024, taking on the role of Ombudsman alongside her positions as Board Chair of the Law Society and as a Judge of the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal (not currently sitting).

Amerdeep brings a wealth of experience to the Ombudsman role, having previously acted as the Financial Regulators Complaints Commissioner and the Chief Commissioner at the Data and Marketing Commission. She was also a former founding Commissioner of the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

Claire Ward

Equipped with over 20 years of in-house experience, Claire advises local authorities and their companies on regulatory governance matters, reviews constitutions, governance arrangements and decision-making. She is in high demand to undertake standards investigations and is well regarded for providing member training. Her depth of experience across county, district and unitary local councils has shaped her extensive knowledge of local government challenges. Claire is able to guide authorities across the country on what they can accomplish and more importantly how to go about doing it.

Simon Goacher

Simon is an experienced local government lawyer and prior to joining Weightmans in February 2013 was a Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer at two large unitary authorities for the previous six years. Most recently he was Head of Legal and Democratic Services at Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council.

Simon has extensive experience at advising on local authority duties and powers and dealing with sensitive investigations. He has acted as the legal adviser to the full Council and Executive on arrange of matters including the legal framework relating to the appointment and dismissal of senior and statutory officers.

Since joining Weightmans Simon has advised a number of authorities on sensitive political issues including carrying out many whistleblowing investigation an independent reviews of governance issues.

Simon also regularly provides training to senior officers and members on information governance, governance and conduct issues.

Simon is recognised by both chambers and legal 500 for his local government expertise.

Philip McCourt

“I specialise in local authorities’ corporate law and decision making. I joined my first local authority in 1988 as a trainee Chartered Secretary and then Solicitor. I was first made an authority’s Monitoring Officer and a member of the senior management team in 2000. Since then I have acted on governance, standards and monitoring officer issues for a wide range of local authorities, combined authorities and central government through both consultancy and direct employment. 

One of my roles prior to joining Bevan Brittan was as Corporate Director for Law and Governance at Wirral MBC. I am also a past president of the Association of Council Secretaries and Solicitors (now LLG), where I was the national spokesperson on local authority powers and regulatory matters for several years.”

Catherine Staite

Catherine Staite is an Emeritus Professor of Public Management at the University of Birmingham. She has undertaken executive and non-executive roles in a variety of organisations, including in the statutory and voluntary sectors, as well as the private sector. A lawyer by training, she worked in mental health and with local authorities and criminal justice agencies, before becoming an academic. 

In 2011, Catherine joined the Institute of Local Government Studies, as Director. INLOGOV is a unique centre for learning and research, as it brings together both academic insight and practical knowledge to support political and managerial leaders. During her years at INLOGOV, Catherine focused her teaching and writing on leadership and governance, particularly in local government.

In 2016, she was awarded a Professorship in Public Management. In 2017, she stepped down as Director of INLOGOV. She now coaches political leaders and provides support to local and national government on organisational development, governance and leadership.

Previous roles include; Associate Director at the Audit Commission from 2001 to 2005 and Director of Policy at the Office for Public Management, a not-for-profit organisation, focusing on research and leadership development, from 2005 to 2011.

Non-executive roles include director of Rampton Special Hospital Authority, with responsibility for reviewing the continuing detention of patients and a member of the Board of Visitors at HMP Hull, with responsibility for the hospital wing.

During her years working in Birmingham, Catherine supported Birmingham City Council and the Mayor of the West Midlands in a number of advisory roles, including; Independent Member of Birmingham Strategic Leaders Forum for Children’s Services, Independent Member of the Preventing Violence against Vulnerable People Board (BVVP) and Independent Member of the Steering Group of Birmingham Partners.

Jacqui McKinlay

Jacqui McKinlay is Chief Operating Officer, Liverpool City Council

Jacqui joined Liverpool City Council in January 2022 to lead on improvement and transformation, with responsibilities for corporate services including policy, insight, partnerships, equalities, customer services, HR and organisational development, ICT/digital, communications and marketing.

Prior to joining Liverpool, Jacqui was Chief Executive of the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny (CfGS), a national centre of expertise on governance and scrutiny. Jacqui oversaw CfGS’ work with a range of sectors including local and national government, health, housing, police and the private sector.

Previously, Jacqui was Director of Strategy and Customer Services at Staffordshire County Council and has worked in health, sport and the civil service.

She is also a proud Board Member of New Local, a national membership and research organisation focused on improving public service through empowering communities.

Rachel McKoy

Rachel is a commercial law specialist, with extensive experience acquired within local and central government. She is passionate about both championing the voices of our members and showcasing the breadth of complexity local government law offers through the work of LLG, as reflected by her former role as Chief Projects Assessor for the Diploma in Local Government Law and Practice (2016-19).

Rachel is currently Director of Legal & Governance (Monitoring Officer), London Borough of Newham.

Helen Bradley

Helen trained as a solicitor in Local Government and has nearly 20 years’ experience in working at both district and unitary level. Helen initially specialised in civil and criminal litigation, obtaining Higher Rights of audience in the criminal courts. Since becoming a Deputy Monitoring Officer and subsequently a Monitoring Officer, Helen has specialised in all aspects of local authority governance but has a particular interest in the Standards Regime.

Helen is the Director of Legal & Democratic Services, Durham County Council.

Paul Turner

Paul is the Vice President of LLG. He is the Director of Legal and Assurance and Monitoring Officer at Essex County Council. He has spent the last 30 years working for all types of councils from Northumberland and Greater Manchester to the Eastern region (Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire); from a district with a population of 31,000 to Essex which has a population of 1.5m. He has been a monitoring officer or deputy since 2001. Paul has been a Chairman of the LLG Eastern Branch for three years and previously held the title for Regional Director Position for Eastern. Of his work at Branch level, Paul says “It’s been interesting and fun, and I’ve met so many people who are passionate about making a difference”. 

Aneeka Muneer

Aneeka Muneer is currently the President of LLG and Head of Litigation / Deputy Monitoring Officer at  Calderdale  Metropolitan Borough CouncilAneeka also delivers LLG training on regulatory prosecutions. Aneeka has worked in local government since 2006, qualifying in criminal and civil litigation teams. She has been a magistrates court advocate for local government for over 15 years and continues to undertake regulatory prosecutions and advisory work in the area of enforcement for regulatory environmental work.

Aneeka is also the regional lead for prosecutions for LLG SAA, Yorkshire and Humberside.

Nichola Vine

Nichola is the Strategy and Commissioning Manager, Legal and Democratic at Warwickshire County Council, and  also a Director of Warwickshire Legal Services Trading Limited. Nichola is passionate about developing new talent in the sector as the way forward to ensure a long-term future for lawyers in local government. She believes this can be achieved by providing a space for those motivated towards public service, providing exceptional technical and leadership training and support, together with recognising the importance of wellbeing. Nichola celebrates her 25th anniversary of admittance to the roll this year. 

Anita Bradley

Anita Bradley is the Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer at Oxfordshire County Council, a position she has held since January 2021. With over 36 years of extensive legal experience, Anita has a varied career in both private practices, most recently as a partner in Browne Jacobson LLP and in local government settings.

Anita began her legal career in private practice, specialising in family law and litigation. She transitioned to local government having also worked in the charity sector, in 2001, where she has held various senior roles, including Head of Corporate Administration and Monitoring Officer at Mansfield District Council, Head of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer at Cheshire East Borough Council, and Head of Law and Governance at Oxford City Council. In her current role, Anita is a member of the Council’s Strategic Leadership Team and oversees a wide range of services including legal services, governance and information management. She also serves as the Monitoring Officer.

Anita's has a strong commitment to the local government family and is keen to develop diverse and inclusive networks and opportunities for all local authority lawyers and legal staff at all stages of their careers. In her Board position Anita is undertaking this work in the Southern Region and is keen to talk to all LLG members to understand how we can work together to meet the evolving needs of LLG members.

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