This course is available to junior lawyers at a discounted rate of £75 + VAT. Click here for more information.
This half day course will cover everything you need to know about working at the political interface. Delivered by highly experienced lawyer, consultant and trainer Bethan Evans, the course addresses how to work at a senior level in the political environment of a local authority.
The ability to navigate the political interface with elected members is, more than ever, an essential part of being a successful senior local government lawyer. LLG’s Political Awareness Course will enable you to properly understand the political dynamics of local government, be confident with the governance framework, and develop the personal skills needed for success.
The content will cover:
The role of elected councillors
The role of officers including the Monitoring Officer and other statutory officers
The importance of the relationship between members and officers in an effective council
Does the traditional model still hold good?
Standards, conduct and probity
Dealing with the politics!
Learning lessons about the political interface from recent high profile reports
Practical actions to ensure good governance
The personal values and skills you will need
Tips for operating successfully in a political environment
The course will include plenty of examples and mini scenarios. It will be practical in nature, focusing on skills and tips for tackling real issues which will help you in your role at your council. It is a new course, bringing together the material previously covered in LLG’s Essential Guide and the Masterclass sessions on Political Awareness. It is a live event (held virtually) which means that we can keep completely up-to-date with this fast moving, and topical, subject.
This course is ideal for lawyers in local government who are moving, or plan to move, into more senior roles where their interaction with members will grow and there will be greater need to deal with governance issues. The course will also be suitable for lawyers moving into local government from the private or other sectors. In addition, any lawyer in local government who feels they need a refresher on this essential topic, however experienced they are, will be very welcome.
Bethan Evans Governance Training and Consultancy
Beth is a recognised expert in local authority governance, having worked in the field for over 35 years. She worked as an in-house lawyer for nearly 20 years at four different councils in England specialising in housing, education and social care. Beth then moved into management posts, culminating in roles as a County Solicitor and a Director of Corporate Services in a unitary authority.
Beth led the Welsh Local Government Agency responsible for improvement and development in Welsh local government for three years. In 2001 she joined Bevan Brittan LLP as a partner where she led the local government team for 17 years, four of which she spent as senior partner.
Beth acted as secretary and chair of a branch and then as national chair of the (then) Local Government Group in 1998/99.