This course is available to junior lawyers at a discounted rate of £75 + VAT. Click here for more information.
This practical course will explore possession proceedings and anti-social behaviour, providing attendees with a solid understanding of the key principles and procedure relating to taking possession action. The course will explore secure tenancies, introductory tenancies and demotions, and the orders available as well as:
Satisfying Ground Two of Schedule Two of the Housing Act 1985
Reasonableness and Article 8 rights
The Claim Form and the Particulars of Claim
Witness statements
First hearings
Directions, disclosure and defences
Witness care, ASBIs and special measures
Trial management
Final orders
Enforcing possession orders
Rent arrears and ASB cases
Useful case law
This course is aimed at housing officers, community safety staff and anyone dealing with local authority owned housing stock.
Principal Legal Officer, Leeds City Council
Adrian Tonge has been a Principal Legal Officer with Leeds City Council since 2004 specialising in anti-social behaviour cases. He is also a trustee of ASB Help, which aims to provide support for victims of anti-social behaviour. He currently seeks injunctions and premises closure orders and pursues possession actions for ASB in the magistrates and county courts. He has provided training over the last 20 years for LGG, West Yorkshire Police, Cumbria Constabulary and the Leeds Anti Social Behaviour Team. His work has been recognised by awards from both Safer Leeds and West Yorkshire Police (with whom he works closely).