

Want to meet like minded lawyers and governance officers from the same part of the country? Then an LLG regional group meeting is for you. Being a lawyer can sometimes be a lonely job, particularly in smaller councils, or when you face a legal issue for the first time, so being part of a wider community of lawyers outside of your own authority can really help. The Regions meet face to face and online, providing networking, social and training opportunities for you to ensure you get the chance to share best practice and learn from your peers. It creates opportunity to talk about local issues that may span more than one authority. Just spending time talking to colleagues improves well being and mental health, particularly in the new world of hybrid working. So come along, network, and grow your circle of colleagues beyond your own local authority!

National Interest Groups

If you are focusing on a specific legal discipline within local government, or have a specific role, you will undoubtedly benefit from sharing expertise and best practice with others of the same discipline or role in other parts of the country. Providing the opportunity for cross fertilisation of technical knowledge, process improvements, innovation in policy, case law, or just a safe space to let off steam, membership of a national group ensures you have a peer support group - a community of friends and colleagues who are just a phone call away.

Click on the region buttons below to find out about them, news and contacts if you would like to get in touch.

Click on the National Interest group buttons below to find out about them, news and contacts if you would like to get in touch.